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Classic - Vintage - Veteran

    Information provided on all cars offered for sale by BGS Classic Cars provided in good faith through research undertaken by BGS Classic Cars from sources including: internet searches, written literature, documentation provided by and/or discussions with the current/previous owner(s) of the car as well as other marque experts. Whilst every effort has been made to insure that accuracy of the information provided, the information may be incomplete or inaccurate thus accuracy of the information cannot be guaranteed.


    Unless otherwise stated, all vehicles for sale are on consignment (not owned by us) thus do not come with statutory warranty or cooling off period. Any deposits made on consignment vehicles are non refundable


    Tel: 0439-689-016

    DLN & ABN

    DLN: 4059888

    ABN: 35079170522


    Inspections by appointment only


    Weekdays: 9am - 5:30pm

    Saturday: 9am - 2pm

    Closed Sunday


    Located: Samsonvale, QLD, Australia

                    15min out of Samford Village

                    45min from Brisbane Airport

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