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1970 Porsche 911T


Since it’s introduction in 1964, the 911 as been at the hearts of many enthusiasts worldwide for its great looks, exhilarating driving dynamics and classic flat 6 sound – this 3 owner 1970 911T has all of those boxes ticked.  


In 1969  New Zealand based textile company owner was owed a rather large credit by a German machinery manufacture. Since back in the 60’s and 70’s, buying a car required the exchange of overseas funds, the Textile company owner decided to accept payment in the form of a Porsche 911. Via Porsche NZ, the chosen 911T arrived and was registered on the 1st September 1970 in Wellington.


On the 5th September 1972 the Porsche was sold to a prominent Wellington architect with only 35kms on the odo! 15 years later with only 151km on the Odo, it was sold to a licenced motor dealer in 1987 then on sold to the current owner in 1988.  


The current owner acquired the 911T on the 21st of November 1988 with a problematic gearbox and an engine that kept cutting out plus other small issues that apparently ended up being very annoying. Starting on the Christmas of 1988, in what was going to be some easy maintenance to get back on the road, quickly turned out to be a full on restoration with wear-n-tear, weathering and general lack of good maintenance all playing their part.


The key elements:

Body: strip down whole car, catalogue all items, body/parts bead blasted, metal primed, all panels checked, rust cut out, new metal inserted or new panels/ parts purchased and fitted. Doors were uneconomic - new ones fitted. All parts then primed, undercoated, then final coat of colour Ivory applied as it was originally


Engine: stripped down and rebuilt by Porsche. Fitted, new barrels, pistons, bearings, high capacity oil pump, Cam tensioner upgrade, oil bypass upgrade, several valves, all of which were reseated and lapped in. The Zenith 40 TIN carburettors rebuilt, and SSI stainless exhaust system fitted.


Gearbox: stripped down, rebuilt, with all new gear bearings and synchros, new clutch plate and thrust bearing.


General: many small body items were replaced to ensure the car looked the part, like as new!


In March 1992, the 911T returned to the road (receipts on file).


In 2001 the owner immigrated to Australia bringing the Porsche with him continually driving the car up till November 2012 when a rear steel brake line fracture resulted in removing the engine and gearbox. Upon removal showed other areas that needed to be addressed before putting the car back on the road and with a growing list of repairs, it was decided to put the 911T up on jackstands and get to work which included:

  • Rear sway bar mountings repaired (common 911 issue)
  • Spring plate mountings repaired with reinforcing plates (common 911 issue)
  • Repaint in original colour
  • Gearbox rebuilt with new clutch
  • Engine refreshed
  • New petrol tank
  • Brakes refurbished with stainless steel pistons
  • All suspension rubbers replaced
  • New adjustable rear spring plates
  • New sway bars
  • All receipts kept


The refurbishment was completed in 2023 and is now awaiting a new owner to enjoy this fabulous 911T.


Vehicle is sold with unregistered with RWC (if sold in QLD)


Walk Around Video

1970 Porsche 911T

  • Vehicle Details

    Odometer: 25276 (225,275km documented)


    Engine: 2.2 Litre Flat 6 Cylinder - 5 Speed Manual


    VIN: 9110101478

    Engine No: 6102726



Tel: 0439-689-016


DLN: 4059888

ABN: 35079170522


Inspections by appointment only

Weekdays: 9am - 5:30pm

Saturday: 9am - 2pm

Closed Sunday

Located: Samsonvale, QLD, Australia

                15min out of Samford Village

                45min from Brisbane Airport

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